Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Online Dating is a Numbers game?

Pickup artists tend to see online dating as a numbers game: If you contact x women, this will lead to y coffee dates and relationships z on average. Could be a modern-day Casanova, dating someone different every week, depending on how many messages you send and how to write again.

Don't sit on the fence waiting for love happen: If you like someone dating profile and think there is a match, be pro-active about getting in touch. The more messages you send, the more responses and results is very likely to get in return-this is a universal truth.

However, online dating is more than just a numbers game. Dating is to establish a connection and building rapport. Your partner and you need to be on the same wavelength-this is true whether you're looking for is not funny strings or a serious relationship.

Most often, sending a large number of standardised messages is a huge waste of time and money. Your contact my even reading the message if they do not sign-in on a regular basis or their profile is inactive. And if they do, a short text message standards such as ' Hi ' or ' Bel ' profile might put them off altogether. People tend to look for the signs that you've read their profile and sincerely believe that there is a match.

Last but not least, sending a large number of standardized messages could trigger spam reports with the dating site if your behaviour is suspicious or reported by other members. You wouldn't want to be disqualified for a site just for looking for love.

Instead, we recommend that you:

People to contact who feels really are a good match. Search for singles in your area, age, or those with similar interests.
Make your messages unique-tell them what made you want to communicate by reading their profile. Make sure that you talk about something that is unique about them.

If you follow these tips, send fewer messages in General, because everybody will take longer to write. However, it is likely to get more answers in return because people will appreciate that you took the time to read their profile and craft a response.

If you're a numbers game, focus on the growing number of responses you get rather than the number of messages sent.

Matt Hunt writes for, the only free dating site inspired by women. The, women choose who can contact them and guys competing for their attention. Visit today for fun, friendship or a relationship or check our blog for tips.

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