Friday, May 6, 2011

How to approach girls into groups who do not know and get them to think you're great!

In this example I'm going to use women in a bar. Will be delving into lots of other techniques for non-bar pickup, but for the moment, we'll stick with this. In fact, I recommend you try the best places to pick up women that aren't bars, they are way better than any bar and you'll see a huge jump in your rate of success with women.

It is well known, women don t tend to go to bars. Go into groups.

Approaching women's groups can be extremely daunting, and if you don t know what you're doing, you can not hurt with groups and as a pack of stray dogs can rend you. I've seen people get judges totally ignored, and also drinks poured on them.

But if you are CORRCT approach, then your success with a group of women can usually achieve terrific results.

If I suggest approaching girls into groups I get loads of men looking at me like I'm nuts. I realize that a lot of guys probably don t have the confidence to just walk up to attractive women do not know. Fear not, this can be easily resolved. Will give you some simple tips.

If you got a stress problem then don t great trust, there is an advanced 155-page eBook on the market called HypnoDate that goes almost exclusively to increase your confidence with girls and works through the power of self-reprogramming so no matter how shy you can beThese methods will work for you. Worth it to get a copy.


Step 1. Strolling through the Mall and when you catch a woman's eye, smiling more often, she'll smile back. For starters you can do so only with employees of the store. Even if they don t want to smile back, probably will be. It will be good practice.

Step 2. Once you have gained confidence in making natural contact with eyes and a smile with the staff, they may advance to other women there. I'm not suggesting those freakish smiles, just nice, friendly nature. Most women smile back.

Step 3. Here's where it might seem a bit strange, but this really help and practice and repetition will be easier. Just say Hi with a smile to women (and men), if you like as you walk around. If you're not sure which but gradually, after an hour, will get easier, can feel terrible at the beginning.

After you've smiled and said "Hi" to 20 or 30 women, will begin to feel better (until you close the first negative response and will happen when this happen you re approaching women to collect you must learn to take a step outside your comfort zoneIf you want to succeed with girls).

I know someone who did the smile to women and in fact he has come to meet his dream girl and is still with her 3 years later, how is that for effective!

OK, let's assume now that confidence or at least the courage of women approach you don t know in a bar. Once again, I don t just suggest trying to meet girls, in a bar, in fact, the best places to pick up women are not in a bar I think is everyday places where you're not trying to compete with other single men.

First, let's assume that a couple of girls sitting together in a bar. One is the ugly one and one is hot! Up to them and talk to them now! Don't waste your time. Within 3 seconds to see, up close. Many people call this the second rule 3 and I must say that it really seems to work.

If you see someone you like, it's better not to worry too much about the approach, or you're more likely to work alone in such a State that your approach is ineffective or will you be bottle just outside of everything!

Always, always approach a woman by the side or a corner from the front. NEVER from behind important!!! If you go up to the Group at the bar behind you will invoke an immediate negative response, and put on the defensive-for obvious reasons. Always, always, always go on the side.

View the original article here

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